AXA | The Future of our Oceans

The human impact on ocean life
Drone | Inspire 2
Camera Operator
Branded Content
Drone Pilot

The team joined the guys from Recipe on the beautiful beaches of Devon.

Drone Pilot: Phil Harris

Camera Operator: James France

The third and final documentary in partnership with Sky turns its attention to the human impact on the oceans, in particular the research of Dr Cosima Porteus, who is supported by the AXA Research Fund. Porteus’ research reveals how increasing levels of carbon dioxide is making seawater more acidic, affecting fishes’ sense of smell.  Fish use smell to find food, find a mate and avoid predators, so any impact on it could directly impact fish stocks and may even wipe out entire species, diminishing global food supplies. We also hear from others on how the plastic pollution crisis is another stressor on the ocean environment, and how we can all play our part in helping to protect the oceans for future generations.

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